Monday, October 1, 2007

the Temptation of Jesus, Matthew 4

Last week Luke talked about Jesus being baptized
Right after that the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness.

Why did he do this?

1. So we can have someone to relate to us
2. To have “proof” that Jesus was without sin, it would be easy if He wasn’t even tempted.

Hunger = Weakness, Satan tempts when we are at our weakest state.
Jesus was tempted when He was feeling completely Human!

Test #1 – Turn stones to bread. Jesus was being tempted to use the power He has since He is God’s Son, to act independently of the Father.

Jesus quotes scripture, to show the authority scripture has and to show us how to stand up against satans schemes

Test #2 – To throw himself down since the angels will protect him. Satan quotes scripture wrongly here (Psalm 91:1) leaves out in all your ways, which the psalmist was talking about someone who is following the Lord’s will

Jesus combats Satan once again by using scripture accurately and says Satan is testing God and this would not be the will of the Father

Test #3 – Satan shows Jesus all the kingdoms that we know and they both know but says he will give them to Him now if He will just bow down and worship Satan.

If Jesus gave in, God’s plan would have been completely thwarted.
Satan left and the angels came and ministered to Jesus’ needs.

Adam and Eve were tempted in the same way:
1. physical appetite – eat of any tree
2. personal gain – you will not die
3. power/glory – you will be like God

You and I are tempted in a similar way:
1. physical appetite – whatever feels good do it (clothes, drinking, sex, disobedience, disrespect)
2. personal gain – this will not hurt you in the future
3. Power/glory – popular, everyone will like you, know you

God wants the best for you!

Giving into temptation is Sin but just being tempted is Not!
Satan tempts us so we lose sight of God! He doesn’t care if you have a drink, or sleep with that guy etc.

Satan wants to destroy the Glory God intends for your life!

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